(Franklin County, 1952- ) Descended from two Kentucky governors, Crit Luallen places public service in the highest regard. She has served Kentucky with distinction, honor and integrity as a public servant. Her career encompasses the positions of State Budget Director, Secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, Secretary of the State Tourism Cabinet, Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of the Arts, and Special Assistant to Governor Martha Layne Collins. She was also President of the Greater Louisville Economic Development Partnership, and served as Secretary of Governor Paul Patton’s Executive Cabinet for seven years before being elected for two terms as Kentucky State Auditor of Public Accounts. She uncovered millions of dollars in government fraud and questionable expenditures, leading to the criminal prosecutions of 32 individuals and referral of more than 200 cases to law enforcement agencies for criminal investigation. She has made it her mission to reach out to women and minorities to encourage their involvement in public service. As one of a hand full of women to ever be elected to statewide office, she sets the standard with her personal values, ethics, sense of accountability and principled decision-making for other aspiring women to emulate who are interested in making a difference in the Commonwealth and the nation.