(Daviess County 1921-2005) Clara Sanford Oldham dedicated her life to improving the lives of women by founding Citizens Against Rape in 1977, a time when rape and sexual assault crimes were not taken seriously. Her organization led to the creation of Rape Victims Services and the Owensboro Area Spouse Abuse and Information Services, which are still in existence today. As the Director of the Social Welfare Program at Kentucky Wesleyan College she helped found the Center for Creative Choices. During this time, she served as president of the medical auxiliary, became a member of the Mental Health Association and served as board president to the local community mental health center. After taking time to raise her children, Oldham dove back into working to enhance the lives of others, but this time her work focused heavily on the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment and ensuring equality for all women. Oldham co-founded the Owensboro National Organization for Women, served as a delegate to the KY Pro-ERA Alliance, a delegate to the White House Conference on Family in 1980, and was active in the American Association of University Women. Countless women responded to her mentoring as she encouraged education and career development for women at every opportunity. As a result, an award in her name was established at Girls, Inc., a local agency dedicated to developing girls who are “smart, strong, and bold.”